WIND AND SEA COLLECTION “Think of a sound now make it…”

オリジナルとなる本コレクションでは、“Think of a sound now make it…” “響きを感じるままに創造する...” をテーマに製作。
90年代の欧⽶UKガラージから2000年代のグライムミュージックといったMUSIC CULTUREをイメージソースとし、コレクションテーマは、90ʼs当時のシンセサイザーの広告の⼀⽂から抜粋しております。

The original collection is crafted under the theme "Think of a sound now make it...," or "Create as you feel the resonance." Drawing inspiration from music culture such as 90s UK garage and 2000s grime music, the collection theme is based on a phrase extracted from synthesizer advertisements of the 90s.
While using core materials like fleece and nylon, the collection expresses a mixture of traditional and classic styles. It features a combination of minimal outerwear and tops with baggy or flared silhouette bottoms, often detailed with darts on the front and back.
The standout items this season include a wide-wale corduroy work set-up, and original snow graphics arranged in a pattern reminiscent of real camo trees. The lineup also offers distinctive items such as combine-knit pieces in various mixed colors, padded blousons with a checkered pattern created by shirring, and double wallet chains that can also be worn over the shoulder.
Graphics are infused with cultural elements, incorporating musical motifs like synthesizers and MPCs into minimalist European-style designs, resulting in a new collection rich in music-inspired creativity.