23-24AW Recycled Fishing Net Nylon

23AW Recycled Fishing Net Nylon

23AW WIND AND SEA Recycled Fishing Net Nylon
漁網が海洋⽣物に脅威をもたらす「ゴーストフィッシング」の現状を受け、 ブランド名同様の”海”を守りたいという共通の想いから、海洋環境保全の促進を図る新たな取り組みとして、棄てられる漁網を再利用したアパレル製品を展開する本企画。
本プロジェクトをきっかけに WIND AND SEA は、今後もアップサイクルシステムの普及や、「ゴーストフィッシング」削減の一助となれるよう励んで参ります。
In response to the growing concern of 'ghost fishing,' where discarded fishing nets pose a threat to marine life, we have launched a new initiative in line with our brand's commitment to protecting the oceans.
This project involves the development of apparel products made from recycled fishing nets. We have paid special attention to the stabilization of product quality by combining recycled nylon from fishing nets with regular nylon and cotton.
For fleece materials, we use recycled polyester, contributing, albeit modestly, to reducing environmental impact.
The project, inspired by the deep connection to the sea and its horizon, introduces a new logo design.
The collection includes MA-1 jackets, mountain parkas, and flight caps, drawing inspiration from military and outdoor styles, perfect for the autumn and winter lineup.
The color scheme of the collection further evokes the essence of the sea.
Through this project, WIND AND SEA is committed to promoting an upcycling system and contributing to the reduction of 'ghost fishing.'
We are dedicated to continuing these efforts in the future.
Pre-orders will be available at the WIND AND SEA official ONLINE STORE.
【Duration】From Sunday, Nov 19, 2023, at 12:00, to Sunday, Nov 26, 2023, at 11:59.