Partnership with Shay Sandiford

Partnership with Shay Sandiford
WIND AND SEA meets Skateboarder
“Shay Sandiford” from Los Angeles, CA
“Shay Sandiford” from Los Angeles, CA
Shay Sandiford / シェイ・サンディフォード
PROFILE / プロフィール
Shay Sandiford was born on October 10, 1997 in Comox, a small town in British Columbia, Canada. Shay is Japanese Canadian and fluent in both language. Shay was selected for the Canadian National Skateboard Team and is currently competing for a spot in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Along with being a professional skateboarder, Shay also created his own jewelry brand, Mixed Emotions. Now based in Los Angeles, Shay has garnered a lot of attention with not only his skating ability but his identity as a fashion icon.
シェイ・サンディフォードは1997年10月10日にカナダのブリティッシュ・コロンビアの小さな町のコモックスで生まれました。日本人とカナダのハーフであり、日本語も英語のバイリンガルです。スケートボードのカナダ代表に選出され、2024年パリオリンピックの出場権をかけて様々な大会に挑んでいます。スケートボード選手として活躍する傍ら、シェイはジュエリーブランド「Mixed Emotions」を立ち上げました。現在、ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動するシェイは、スケートの実力だけでなく、ファッションアイコンとしてのアイデンティティも注目されています。
My name is Shay Sandiford and I’m from Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada.Currently living in Los Angeles.
I feel like I’ve always been a super routine orientated parson.I get up, I read for like 30 minutes.That’s before I go on my phone. The I’ll make a little matcha drink, go outside, Check my phone, respond to emails, do that kind of stuff. I get my hair braided every week and my haircut every ten days. Thanks to Luwana right here. The reason I started doing this because I notice that when my braids were fresh, I was more likely to be productive. Ready to get clips, ready to get photos, ready to get to work. I’d want to get out filming, shoot photos, talk to girls, whatever it may be, I'd be more inclined to do it.
It's like that feeling when you got a good fit on your just going to move a little different that day. So every morning I go to the gym, I do a small workout. Once I finish up my workout, I like to stretch for a bit. That's usually when I'll text the homies and try to see who skating.
sheesh!! I know, you heard that
With fashion I feel like my style is constantly evolving. I'm exposed to so many different styles and looks every day and from all over the world, really, which I'm able to pick apart and references.
Street culture to me would be expressing yourself through an art form. Wether it’s skating, music or clothing. It all contributes to the culture. The size I'm wearing now, shirt and jacket are both size XL. My actual size is probably right in between L and XL. But if I'm going for a more oversized look like I'm wearing now, I'll wear an XL
With Wind and Sea what caught my attention right away would have to be the quality the designs and the use of different fabrics. Myself being half-Japanese and honestly loving their sense of fashion. It just made sense for me to partner with the Japanese clothing brand.
I'm super excited to be working with Wind and Sea, and I can't wait to show you guys what we have coming.
I hope you look forward to it
僕がWind and Seaの服に出会ってすぐに魅了された理由は、そのクオリティだったり、デザインだったり、さまざまな生地を使ってたりするところ。僕は日本人のハーフだから、日本人のファッションセンスを素直に愛してる。だから日本のアパレルブランドと提携することは、僕にとって意味があることなんだ。
Wind and Sea と一緒に仕事ができることをとても楽しみにしてるよ。みんなも楽しみにしててね。

We felt sympathy for the diversity of Shay, who is active in both competition and street skateboarding. In addition, since he also runs his own original jewelry brand, we found that he has a deep affinity with fashion, which led to this sponsorship contract. During the contract period, Shay will wear our apparel items to participate in the tournament.In concluding the contract, we will support Shay and work hard to contribute to the further development of street culture.
カリフォルニア、ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動しているスケートボーダーのシェイ・サンディフォード選手と WIND AND SEA では、 この度パートナーシップを締結させて頂きました。 コンペティション、ストリートのスケートボードの両朝にて活躍するシェイ選手の多様性にシンパシーを感じました。また、自身でオリジナルジュエリーブランドも運営していることから、ファッションとの親和性も深く、今回のスポンサー契約に至りました。 契約期間中、シェイ選手は当社アパレルアイテムを着用して大会に出場いたします。 契約締結にあたり当社は、シェイ選手をサポートするとともに、ストリートカルチャーの更なる発展に貢献する為、励んでまいります。